Student Impact Story: Angelina Esposito

By Angelina Esposito
August 8, 2023

About the author: Angelina Esposito is a fourth-year Business Administration student with a concentration in Management at Northeastern University. She is very excited to start her journey as a TA for Management Consulting in Organizations for the upcoming 2023- 2024 academic year and is looking forward to navigating this new chapter while also on co-op.

At the start of my time in Management Consulting in Organizations, I felt as though I was not prepared enough to take on the challenge that the course posed. From the first day, our professor offered us autonomy that no other professor of mine had done before, and the expectation from us as students and individuals was very daunting to me. I hoped I would not be alone in my thoughts, but as I looked around the classroom, it seemed all of my classmates were equipped with confidence about their success in the course that was lost on me.

The objective of the class was for the students to learn about consulting from our professor and simultaneously use the knowledge from the classroom and apply it to make recommendations of solutions that would best help our client to get from their current state to their desired future state. My pod and I were lucky enough to work with Tiffany’s Recovery, a local non-profit organization whose mission is to find the best path to recovery for each of its members. From our first meeting, everyone in my pod could understand and admire Tiffany’s Recovery’s importance to each of its volunteers and members. While working with the client, we focused on their social media outreach, predominately their Instagram, and using that platform to increase awareness and member engagement for the organization.

Throughout my time working with Tiffany’s Recovery, it was extremely easy to become invested in their work. As time progressed, I gained the confidence I lacked at the beginning of the semester. While the idea of full autonomy and accountability with a client was intimidating, it became apparent the work was not as intimidating when I was with a trustworthy team that wanted to help Tiffany’s Recovery just as much as I did. Once we realized that our work extended farther outside the scope of the classroom and our success would mean a greater number of individuals could be helped, we knew that this was far more than a grade for all of us. In turn, my pod and I noticed we were more eager than others to accomplish our goals because we could see how it directly affected a community. In essence, working with Tiffany’s Recovery allowed us to see that the mission we set out on was far bigger than the sum of its parts, and we wanted to be able to do everything we could to help such a selfless and dedicated organization. Overall, my experience in Management Consulting in Organizations allowed me to reflect more on myself and the goals and aspirations I hope to accomplish after graduation. My time working with Tiffany’s Recovery is just the starting point in a lifelong journey of community engagement.

Unveil the full story of our remarkable efforts and groundbreaking initiatives on our web page on the thrilling 2022-2023 year!

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