Information for interested students

“Recognize and articulate how their positionality is influenced by broader social issues and contexts and grapple with their reactions to working with communities not their own” – Service-Learning Student Outcome

View a full list of potential learning outcomes from participating in a service-learning course here.

Enroll in a service-learning course

Service-learning courses exist in all 8 colleges and students have 50-60 to choose from each semester.

Conduct community-engaged research

CETR does not have a formal program around student-led community-engaged research, but it is coming! We recommend you explore the Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships (URF) website.

Become a service-learning student leader

CETR hires 50+ undergrad and graduate students to support our service-learning courses each semester. Students can join a project team or support an individual course.

Explore other service-based opportunities

Our colleagues in Community Service and Civic Engagement (CSCE) run multiple programs for students interested in serving at a community organization, outside of a classroom experience.