#CapturingCommunity is a series where we, in the Service-Learning community, are able to sit down with staff from our community partners, faculty at Northeastern, and students to hear about their experiences with Northeastern’s Service Learning program. In this post, Rebekah Moore answers some questions!

Name: Rebekah Moore

Role in Service-Learning: Faculty

College: College of Art, Media and Design

How are your values expressed through your community engagement and Service-Learning work?

By engaging alongside students in Service-Learning work through my Music and Social Justice course, I am privileged to uphold my own ethical responsibility—and that I believe all scholars should consider—to uphold the creative, cultural, intellectual, and social thriving of a broad spectrum of communities, including our academic communities, the communities in which we live, and the communities on which our institutions encroach.

What is one thing everyone should know about Service-Learning?

Don’t let the name fool you: We are not providing a service to individuals or communities who need us. In fact, Service-Learning projects and programs often benefit students much more than community partners. But Service-Learning, as a just educational practice, requires the shared commitment of students, faculty, administrators, and community leaders to challenge the existing institutional frameworks that unfairly advantage some and disadvantage many, and to insist on equitable access to the resources needed for all human beings to thrive.

Did you find Service-Learning or did Service-Learning find you?

I sought out the Center for Community Service as soon as I was hired in 2017, and I was grateful to be selected as a 2017-2018 Service-Learning Fellow. I still have a lot to learn, but I plan to continue making S-L a key component of my pedagogy.

If Service-Learning were a song, what would it be?

That’s an easy one: “Lift Every Voice”

Adapted from S-LOG post published on November 21, 2019.

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