#CapturingCommunity is a series where we, in the Service-Learning community, are able to sit down with staff from our community partners, faculty at Northeastern, and students to hear about their experiences with Northeastern’s Service Learning program. In this post, Chelsea Lauder, a Northeastern staff member and manager of the Community-Engaged Teaching and Research team answers some questions!

Name: Chelsea Lauder

Role within Service-Learning: Service-Learning Team Manager and Service-Learning Teaching Assistant for First-Year Writing

Did you find Service-Learning or did Service-Learning find you?
I would say I found Service-Learning… Freshman year I was trying to decide if I wanted to change my major and what classes I wanted to take and when I saw Human Service Professions was an S-L class, I worked even harder to get it into my schedule… and I wouldn’t ever go back!

What is your favorite memory of Service-Learning?
It’s really hard to pinpoint an exact moment to use as my favorite, but I think the Fall 2016 EXPO is up there… it was my first EXPO as an S-LTA and I had a bunch of different students presenting and I just loved running around, seeing everyone in our S-L network, and drinking coffee!

If Service-Learning were a color, what would it be and why?
Yellow! Everything about the color yellow is happy and bright.. and that’s just how S-L makes me feel!